Many people in North Carolina use trusts as estate planning tools. These types of accounts can provide significant benefits in terms of estate tax planning and give funders a measure…
When North Carolina residents start the estate planning process, they should pay close attention to who is appointed to various roles in the estate. There are a number of different…
North Carolina residents who want to incorporate trusts into their estate plans should be wary of whose advice they use. Some professionals may provide advice that is not complex enough…
North Carolina residents who are concerned about keeping their money safe for future generations may benefit from creating a spendthrift trust. Such a trust could help prevent creditors from making…
Trusts can be an important part of financial and estate planning for many people in North Carolina, and the decision about what type of trust to create can be influenced…
North Carolina residents may find it beneficial to consult a professional estate planner when making arrangements for how their estate is to be handled after their death. Consulting a team…
Some people in North Carolina may have a will, but in some situations, a will may not be enough. There may be other elements to the estate plan as well…
A North Carolina resident can use a pour-over will as a backup mechanism to ensure that assets are passed to a trust after death. With a pour-over will, an estate…
People in North Carolina often want to enjoy a greater level of control and management of their assets and their future, even when facing declining health. This means that estate…
As the name suggests, a living trust is one that North Carolina residents or others use to manage their affairs while alive. A revocable living trust is one in which…