What kind of guardian is right for a special needs adult?

When you have a special needs child, you know that you need to provide for this child once he or she becomes an adult. One of the ways you can do this is by establishing guardianship.

There are several different kinds of guardianship you might pursue, depending on your situation.

Guardian of estate

According to the Autism Society of North Carolina, this kind of guardian takes care of your adult child’s finances. This person keeps detailed records about your adult child’s income and expenses and manages government benefits. If your child has access to property, a guardian will also manage these assets.

Sometimes, a special needs adult may be capable of making some decisions but need help with financial management. In this situation, a guardian of the estate can use your adult child’s input to make choices.

Guardian of person

Sometimes, special needs adults may be unable to live alone. A guardian of the person decides where your adult child will leave and makes sure that he or she receives the necessary care. Your adult child can provide input about these decisions. Additionally, this kind of guardian arranges educational opportunities. If your adult child is capable of working, the guardian can also help him or her find employment.

General guardian

This kind of guardianship may be necessary if your adult child cannot make financial or personal decisions without help. A general guardian manages both of these matters. As special needs adults become more capable of handling their own affairs, the guardian can allow them to have more input and responsibility.

Parents may serve as their child’s guardian. They may also name another person to serve as the guardian after they have both passed.

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